15 Reasons You Should Eat More Ice Cream


The Top 15 Reasons to Eat Ice Cream

  • In any given two-week period, 40% of Americans will eat ice cream. Don?t you want to be part of the cool crowd?
  • Those colored plastic ice cream cups are adorable, not to mention those adorable tasting spoons that make you feel like you really aren?t eating that much.
  • The average American will consume ice cream 28.5 times this year. Don?t you want to beat the average?
  • According to a recent survey of International Ice Cream Association member companies, vanilla remains the most popular flavor among their consumers at 28%. That?s actually a pretty small percentage. Don?t you think that gives you a chance to move mint chip, or your favorite flavor, to the top? Vanilla?s time in the spotlight should come to an end!
  • About 9% of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream. You haven?t been drinking enough milk anyway so this should count.
  • Have we mentioned how cute the plastic ice cream cups are?
  • If you eat your ice cream with those mini tasting spoons it takes a really long time to consume any real calories.
  • Empty ice cream buckets make great containers for toys and other small items. Get eating, the playroom is always a mess.
  • Ice cream bucket lids make great Frisbees for inexperienced throwers. You won?t even mind if the throws are so bad you lose one or two.
  • Individual plastic ice cream cups are another serving suggestion that makes it look like you really aren?t eating that much.
  • Every now and then you can actually find a doctor or two who suggests that eating ice cream could help you lose weight. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study showed that women who consume one daily serving of full-fat dairy products, like ice cream, actually lose weight. Can?t argue with that study!
  • Although it is not a health food, ice cream does actually contain some nutrients that are good for you. B vitamins and phosphorous are at the top of the list.
  • We all know that ice cream is one of America’s favorite past times.
  • We mentioned the adorable mini tasting spoons and plastic ice creams cups, right?
  • Ice cream makes you smile! Studies show that even one spoon of cold stuff actually makes you happy. Researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry in London tracked brain activity of people eating vanilla ice cream. As soon as they swallowed just one spoon of ice cream the orbitofrontal cortex, the area of your brain that activates when people enjoy themselves, showed increased activity. Don’t worry, be happy!
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